The Wheel of Lunch!

Looking for somewhere to eat in Portsmouth? Fret no longer! Just take a spin on the:

*echoing voice*


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Fireworks Follow Up

I hope a lot of you made it to the fireworks last night. We were talking after, and Portsmouth really has one of the best shows around. It was about 20-25 minutes long, but it wasn't drawn out on purpose like a lot of other fireworks displays. That, and they had about three "almost" finales before the actual grand finale, which was no less than epic. Not bad for our little city of 25k.

Anyway, some action shots:

The rest of the day was no less perfect. The first sunny day in, well, forever, we made it to the NH coast to get lightly toasted (by the Sun! by the Sun...) We then naturally dined at Poco's (to get lightly toasted) and went to the fireworks from there, finishing up at Daniel Street Tavern karaoke night (you may be aware that we are karaoke connoisseurs - we'll talk about it sometime). It was packed like sardines in there, but it was worth it.
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Independence Day in Portsmouth

Cheer up everyone. I realize that this has been probably the worst summer ever. But take heart: Sunday is going to be sunny and 78.

Because of that, Portsmouth has delayed the annual fireworks display until Sunday at 9:15pm. They shoot them from South Mill Pond:

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There's some debate about where to watch them. You can basically see them from anywhere in the city. If you get there EARLY, you can watch them from right underneath them from the fields at the middle school directly across from city hall. You can also get a good view from Prescott Park.

Also, the Summer in the Street series continues with Cormac McCarthy and MAINESQUEEZE.

See you around town!
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